Animated Bodies: Visualizing Project Itoh’s Zombies
11:00 am - 12:30 pm


Recent scholarship has pointed towards a shift of interest from the figure of the cyborg to that of the zombie as a critical prism for articulating a politics of posthumanism. Against this backdrop, I discuss the appearances of the figure of the zombie in the recent animated adaptations of the work of Project Itoh, with a particular attention to how their respective treatments of questions of human subjectivity and consciousness offer a meta-commentary on how animation itself is generative of zombies, of animated images that can simulate human affect and intelligence.


Baryon Tensor Posadas teaches Japanese literature, animation, and science fiction in the Department of Asian Languages and Literatures, University of Minnesota. He is the author of Double Visions, Double Fictions: The Doppelganger in Japanese Film and Literature (2018) and the translator of Yoshio Aramaki’s New Wave science fiction novel The Sacred Era: A Novel (2017). He is currently working on a project titled “Science Fiction, Empire, Japan,” which examines techno-orientalism and the transpacific politics of futurity through the prism of Japanese science fiction.

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UG students, PG students, Alumni, Faculty and staff
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Meeting ID: 932 4833 8786 

Passcode: 212691

Speakers / Performers:
Prof. Baryon Tensor POSADAS
Associate Professor Asian and Middle Eastern Studies University of Minnesota