Master of Arts in
Chinese Culture

Students are equipped with a multidisciplinary range of knowledge about Chinese culture from the humanities perspective. Disciplines include history, literature, religion, philosophy, anthropology and linguistics. This knowledge is imperative for students who aspire to know more about the culture of the country.
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Master of Science in
Global China Studies

The MSc Program in Global China Studies is unique for its interdisciplinary Research and Global Perspective to rediscover China and rediscover the Global with the best all-star China Studies faculty. It is the FIRST and the ONLY Asian Master program offering 3+1 / 3.5+1 Accelerated Bachelor's / Master's pathway.
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Master of Arts in
International Language Education

The MA program in International Language Education aims to prepare language professionals for a dynamic global career, with a solid foundation in applied linguistics and research -informed language teaching approaches in two specialized concentration, Teaching English as a Second Language (TESL) and Teaching Chinese as a Second Language (TCSL).
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Master of Arts in
Social Science

An interdisciplinary curriculum for those seeking employment in business, government, mass media, and education, as well as those who subsequently wish to pursue a research program in one of the social science disciplines. It is designed to provide the necessary skills required for social science research and a broad spectrum of analytical perspective for a critical understanding of a variety of issues and phenomena in the modern world.
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