The Division of Social Science currently houses over 28 faculty members with specializations across six disciplines. One of the most unique features of our division is its strong China research focus, in which over 70% of existing faculties members are engaged. The productivity levels of our faculty are uniformly high and they publish mainly in first-tier and high-impact disciplinary journals as well as prestigious scholarly outlets devoted to contemporary China such as the China Quarterly and China Journal. Their outstanding research achievements can be reflected in the numerous prizes received, including the prestigious Early Career Award from the American Sociological Association for promising young scholars researching Asian societies.
The division offers world-class, rigorous training in social science research. A recent Research Assessment Exercise 2006 by the University Grants Committee (UGC) ranked our division as the top social science unit among all universities in Hong Kong, and more recently, another study by Shanghai’s Jiatong University in 2010 ranked our Division as the best social science department in Asia.
We proudly offer a strong and growing graduate research program leading to the degrees of Master and Doctor of Philosophy. Many of our PhD graduates are now holding prestigious teaching and research positions at Peking University, Zhongshan University, the National University of Singapore and the Chinese Academy of Social Science, just to name a few. Also, a number of our MPhil graduates have been admitted to the world’s best PhD programs at institutions like Harvard, Stanford and Cornell. We also offer a rigorously structured taught postgraduate program in Social Science.