On Tang Jun-yi’s Mou Tsung-San’s Interpretation of Zhuzi’s System (Friday 24 June 2022)
02:30pm - 05:00pm
Room 3301 (Lift 2 / Lifts 17-18), 3/F Academic Building



The article aims at comparing Tang Jun-yi (唐君毅) and Mou Tsung-San (牟宗三) interpretations of Zhuzi’s (朱子) philosophical system, and exploring the possibility of reconciliating the differences of them. Due to different approaches, angles, methods and etc., the difference between Tang and Mou seems to be irreconcilable. Mou proposes Zhuzi’s system is a system of heteronomy, while Tang argues it is a system of autonomy. The difference between the two great philosophers are surely controversial and intense, and thus full of inspiration. The interpretation by the two thus is to be reckoned with for those who desire to understand Zhuzi’s thoughts. The article shall demonstrate the process of thoughts of Tang and Mou, and the controversies related to two possible types of Zhuzi’s system. Moreover, it is expected to interpret Zhuzi’s system with teleology, in order to make an attempt in solving the disagreement between Mou and Tang. This leads to reflection on Zhuzi’s place in the history of philosophy.


RECOMMENDED FOR: UG students, PG students, Alumni, Faculty and staff, HKUST Family

CONTACT: huma@ust.hk

Room 3301 (Lift 2 / Lifts 17-18), 3/F Academic Building