GCC Lecture - 飄洋過海:“國際寫作計畫”(IWP), 中國創意寫作學科和世界文學 The Transpacific Flow: “The International Writing Program (IWP),” Creative Writing Programs in China, and World Literature
1:30 pm - 3:00 pm
Room 1011, LSK (李兆基商學大樓)



What happens when a US cultural institution is imported to China, the purported chief rival of the United States in the twenty-first century? The International Writing Program (IWP), co-founded by American poet Paul Engle and his wife, Sinophone novelist Hua-ling Nieh at the University of Iowa in 1967, invites writers from across the globe to reside in Iowa City for two months annually. Some of the Chinese visitors have spearheaded creative writing programs at Chinese universities based on their experiences with IWP and the world-renowned Iowa Writers’ Workshop (IWW) since their initial encounters with the “other.” By telling a unique story of Chinese intellectuals’ interactions with an influential Western cultural institution, this talk shows how varied cultural and geopolitical priorities can rewrite the story of the global influence of the United States. Through this complex and dynamic cultural exchange, the talk also explores the fraught relationship between national literatures and world literature and queries the criteria for judging literature and translation. 


馮進,美國Grinnell College東亞系教授,Orville and Mary Patterson Routt 文學講席教授。已發表四本英文專著:The New Woman in Early Twentieth-Century Chinese Fiction (Purdue University Press, 2004), The Making of a Family Saga (SUNY Press, 2009), Romancing the Internet (Brill, 2013), 和 Tasting Paradise on Earth (University of Washington Press, 2019); 三本中文作品,包括最近的《吃貨之書》 (江蘇鳳凰文藝,2020);以及多篇中英文論文。她關於中國大學創意寫作學科發展的英文專著即將由美國哥倫比亞大學出版社出版。

Jin Feng 馮進 is Professor of Chinese and Japanese and the Orville and Mary Patterson Routt Professor of Literature at Grinnell College, USA. She has published four English monographs: The New Woman in Early Twentieth-Century Chinese Fiction (Purdue University Press, 2004), The Making of a Family Saga (SUNY Press, 2009), Romancing the Internet (Brill, 2013), and Tasting Paradise on Earth (University of Washington Press, 2019), three Chinese books such as A Book for Foodies 吃貨之書 (Jiangsu Fenghuang Wenyi, 2020), and numerous articles in both English and Chinese. Her book on university-based creative writing programs in China is forthcoming from the Columbia University Press.

Room 1011, LSK (李兆基商學大樓)
More Information

Moderator: Prof. Jianmei LIU

Division of Humanities, HKUST

Speakers / Performers:
馮進 教授
Grinnell College
Global China Center
School of Humanities and Social Science
Division of Humanities