Outcome-Based Education (OBE)

Research and Writing Advising Tutorials

Research and Writing Advising Tutorials

The Research and Writing Advising Tutorials program is a school-wide teaching initiative led by Professor Barry Sautman and Professor James Lee. Funded by the University’s Teaching Development Grant administered by CELT, the program intends to enhance capacity building of students in terms of research and writing. Student’s participation in the program is entirely voluntary. Alternatively, to better prepare their students for course-related research and writing assignments, some course instructors are inclined to make it mandatory by requiring their students to attend a minimum number of the Research and Writing tutorials.

HSS courses involved

2014 Fall Term
Course Code Course Title Involvement Type
HUMA 2633 Before Mao: Traditional Chinese Society from 1800 to 1949 Attend a minimum of three tutorials to get 10 extra marks
MGCS 5001 A New History for a New China (3+1 mode) Not compulsory but strongly advised
SOSC 4600 Understanding Chinese Politics Not compulsory but strongly advised
2015 Spring Term
Course Code Course Title Involvement Type
HUMA 2632 Chinese Culture and Society in Anthropological Perspectives [C] [CA] Attend tutorials to get bonus
HUMA 2633 Before Mao: Traditional Chinese Society from 1800 to 1949 Attend a minimum of three tutorials to get 10 extra marks
SOSC 3000E Food Policy for Developing Countries Attend tutorials to get bonus
SOSC 3520 Understanding Comparative Politics Not compulsory but strongly advised
SOSC 1340 China-United States Relations Not compulsory but strongly advised
HUMA 2280 Identity Goes Global: From Border Crossing to Boundary Remaking Not compulsory but strongly advised
SOSC 2300 The Pearl River Delta Mega-City: Agglomeration, Integration, Multi-Polarity Not compulsory but strongly advised
HUMA 2680 Understanding Western Architecture Not compulsory but strongly advised
HUMA 3200 Questions of Humanity in World Literature Not compulsory but strongly advised
SOSC 4270 Social Change in Contemporary China Not compulsory but strongly advised
SOSC 4280 China in the Global Political Economy Not compulsory but strongly advised

Participants’ Feedback in Fall 2014/15

Note: On a scale of 1-5;
with 5 = “strongly agree” and 1 = “strongly disagree”

The Research and Writing Advising Tutorials (RWAT) in Spring 2014/15 Spring

Every 2nd and 4th week Tuesday 6:30-7:15pm from February to April except the ones with an “*”

Theme Date (1st round) Date (2nd round) Duration Learning Mode
Brainstorm and reframe your research questions 10-Feb-2015 24-Mar-2015 40-50 mins each session Blended format, including online resources, discussion & on-site exercise , individual or small-group consultation
Know your research tools* TBC N/A
Understand research approach and data 24-Feb-2015 14-Apr-2015
Manage your reference * TBC N/A
Organize and present your research 10-Mar-2015 28-Apr-2015

* Ms.Victoria Caplan and Ms.Wanshan Wong of the University Library will customize the ‘Know your research tools ’ session and ‘Manage your reference ’ session to meet the learning goals of the courses requiring students to attend a minimum number of the RWAT sessions.
The librarian customized session schedule is the following: (More information to be added)

Know your research tools

Course Date Talk by
SOSC 3000E- Food Policy 9-Mar-2015 Lecturer: Victoria Caplan
SOSC 3250 – Contemporary Politics Week 10
Lecturer: Victoria Caplan
HUMA 2632 – Chinese Culture & Society in Anthropological Perspectives 18-Mar-2015 Lecturer: Wanshan Wong
HUMA 2633 – Before Mao: Traditional Chinese Society from 1800 to 1949 2-Mar-2015 Lecturer: Wanshan Wong

Manage your reference

Course Date Talk by
2 General Manage your reference sessions for social science 22-Apr-2015
12:00n.n.~1 p.m.
Lecturer: Victoria Caplan
1:30p.m.~ 2:30 p.m. (Re-run)
HUMA 2632 – Chinese Culture & Society in Anthropological Perspectives 22-Apr-2015 Lecturer: Wanshan Wong

RWTP Online Resources and Videos

Contact us

Contact person: Ms Yang HE
HSS Research and Writing Advising Tutorial Project
Email: heyang@ust.hk
Tel. no.: 2358 8154
Fax.: 3186 2121
Address: Room 3363, Office of Dean of Humanities and Social Science, Academic Building, HKUST