Events & Seminars


Cosmopolis Festival Off-season Event - Of Time and Love: HK Phil at HKUST

Main Hall, Shaw Auditorium, HKUST

GCC Lecture - The Institutionalized Hypocrisy of Qing Government

Kaisa Group Lecture Theater (IAS LT), Lo Ka Chung Building, Lee Shau Kee Campus, HKUST

HUMA Seminar - What is Presence and Why Should We Care?

Room 2463 (Lift no. 25-26), Academic Building

SOSC Seminar - New Crops and Old States: Agricultural Technology and State Capacity in Historical China

Room 3301 (Lift 2 or Lifts 17-18), 3/F Academic Building

SOSC Seminar - Generative Social Science with Large Models

Room 3301 (Lift 2 or Lifts 17-18), 3/F Academic Building

HUMA Seminar - Speaking Diversity: Gender and Sexuality in the Thai Language

Room 2465 (Lift 25-26), Academic Building

SOSC Seminar - Innovative Strategies to Decode and Regulate Affective Experiences in Humans

Room 3401 (Lift 2 or Lifts 17-18), 3/F Academic Building

HUMA Seminar - Global Chinese Theatre: A Transnational Perspective

Room 2304 (Lift 17-18), Academic Building

Cosmopolis Festival Off-season Event - Tlale Makhene: African Rhythm Workshop

Lam Woo Lecture Theater (LT-B), HKUST