

Admission Requirements

Applicants must possess a bachelor’s degree from a university or a recognized institution, or have obtained qualifications approved by the University to be equivalent to a first degree. Priority will be given to applicants with humanities or social science background.

Proficiency in both English and Chinese is important for successful completion of the program.  For applicants whose first language is not Chinese and who do not complete their first degree in a Chinese-medium university or Chinese-medium academic program, they are required to fulfill the Chinese requirement of Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi (HSK by Hanban or the “New HSK”) level 4 or above, or equivalent.


Language Requirements

  1. Many courses are taught in English but assign readings in Chinese. Some courses are taught in Chinese (Putonghua) due to academic reasons. Students must be able to demonstrate proficiency in both English and Chinese.
  2. For English requirements, please click here.



Application apply now


Application Deadlines


  For 2024/25 Spring Term Intake
Non-local Applicants* 1 Nov 2024
Local Applicants 15 Dec 2024
  For 2025/26 Fall Term Intake
Non-local Applicants* 6 Apr 2025
Local Applicants 6 Jul 2025


* Applicants, who need a student visa/entry permit to study in Hong Kong, are considered as Non-Local Students. For details on student visa/entry permit requirements, please click here.


Note: The School reserves the right at all times to suspend the offering of the program as a result of insufficient class enrollment. Should the suspension of a program have to be effected, the deposit or tuition fees paid will be refunded.