HKUST ranked no. 1 in Citations in Social Science among Asian Universities Creative Arts Education in Music First Asian MOOC Hong Kong MOOC Draws Students from Around the World Research Centers Our School is committed to carrying out high quality research, with a strong emphasis on China-related studies. News News PROFESSOR QUENTIN QIN WAS INTERVIEWED BY WENWEIPO: 中午食飽睡一睡 醒神活腦記性增 News Professor Lawrence ZHANG’s Book "Power for a Price", being selected… News HKUST Confers an Honorary Doctor of Humanities Degree upon Tan Sri Dato'… News Professor Tik-sang LIU was interviewed by Wenweipo - 文物及旅遊:珍惜本地非遺,鼓勵更多青年人參與 Events Apr2 Seminar HUMA Seminar - What is Presence and Why Should We Care? Mar18 Seminar SOSC Seminar - Generative Social Science with Large Models Mar14 Seminar HUMA Seminar - Kongish: Expressing Modern Identities in Hong Kong through… Feb28 Seminar HUMA Seminar - Speaking Diversity: Gender and Sexuality in the Thai Language Feb27 Seminar SOSC Seminar - Innovative Strategies to Decode and Regulate Affective… Feb25 Seminar HUMA Seminar - Global Chinese Theatre: A Transnational Perspective Feb22 Workshop Cosmopolis Festival Off-season Event - Tlale Makhene: African Rhythm Workshop Feb21 Music Performance Cosmopolis Festival Off-season Event - South African Jazz with the Tlale… Feb20 Seminar HUMA Seminar - One Hundred Years of Cinematic Solitude: Exploring the… Feb7 Seminar HUMA Seminar - Evaluating the Ethical Competence of LLMs Jan8 PhD Thesis Presentation SOSC Thesis Presentation - How do People Cope with Stress? Building the… Jan7 MPhil Thesis Presentation SOSC Thesis Presentation - Programmatic Distribution and Electoral Consequence… Media HKUST 31st Congregation– Speech by Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Michelle YEOH Choo-Kheng, Doctor of Humanities Star Faculty: Dr. Timothy Page IAS Program on Chinese Creative Writing 中國文學創作研究專題 發光的房間 駱以軍 SHSS School Video 關於科大人文社會科學學院 2020 SHSS Graduation Dean’s Speech 觀古識今 — 歷代印章及印譜展 講座: 漢印之美 觀古識今 — 歷代印章及印譜展 拓邊款及鈐印示範講座 WORLD PREMIERE CONCERTS 世界首演音樂會 Disc 1 The Bright Sheng Partnership: Composers Meet Performers in Hong Kong HKUST SHSS Ensemble Bright Sheng Conducts Histoire du Soldat WORLD PREMIERE CONCERTS 1