Program Details

Program Requirements

Students enrolled in the MSc in Global China Studies program (MGCS) must complete 24 credits of coursework, including minimum three core courses (3 credits each); elective courses (3 credits each) which cover no less than two of three subject areas ; and one academic writing course (0 or 3 credits).

A. MGCS Core Courses (9 credits)

MGCS 5001

Understanding China, 1700-2000: A Data-Analytic Approach

MGCS 5024 China in Comparative Perspective
MGCS 5010 Introduction to Social Statistics
MGCS 5101   Religion in Comparative Perspective: Ancient China, Egypt and Mesopotamia 
MGCS 5520  Comparative Politics

B. Academic Writing Course (0 or 3 credits)

Subject to prior approval by the Academic Director, students with higher English proficiency levels, or students who speak English as a first language, can be exempted from taking LANG 5070 or LANG 5070H. Such students should take one more elective course to fulfill the graduation requirements.

LANG 5070 Advanced Critical Writing for Academic Purposes
LANG 5070H Advanced Critical Writing for Academic Purposes

C. MGCS Elective Courses (12-15 credits)

The overall elective credits must cover at least two of the following areas, and include at least two China-related courses. Any surplus core credits will be counted as elective credits.

History and Social Science
MGCS 5006 China and the World
MGCS 5009  The Economic History of Late Imperial China
MGCS 5025 China and Africa
MGCS 6000A Narratives on China's Legal Past and Present
MGCS 6000 Special Topics Series #
Quantitative Social Analysis
MGCS 5012 Quantitative Analysis of Social Data^
Humanities and Creative Arts
MGCS 5032 Ethnicity in Chinese Context
MGCS 5036 Western Opera and Asia
MGCS 5037  Western Classical Music and the World
MGCS 5102 Daily Life in Ancient Civilizations: China, Egypt, Greece and Rome 
MGCS 6000 Special Topics Series #
^Exclusion MGCS5010 as core course count
#Subject to approval of the Academic Director, students may take MGCS 6000 under designated disciplinary areas to fulfill the concentration requirement. 
* The courses listed above are those that we have offered since the program began to admit students, because not all courses can be offered every academic year, depending on faculty availabilities and student enrollment, they are listed for your reference only.

D. Course Substitution

Subject to prior approval from Academic Director, students may substitute no more than nine elective credits (three courses) from other postgraduate courses (In exceptional circumstances, one of these three courses could be an undergraduate course at 4000-level) offered by the School of Humanities and Social Science to fulfill the MSc (GCS) program requirements. The approved substituting courses should be either China-related or global-related.

E. Optional Project (1 credits)

MGCS 6981 Research Experience in Global China Studies. The credit earned from the MGCS 6981 cannot be counted toward the MGCS graduation requirements.

F. MGCS with disciplinary CONCENTRATION 

To facilitate students applying for further education or employment which favor specific academic / disciplinary background, students may claim up to one disciplinary concentration upon graduation if they have taken at least 9 credits (three courses) from a selected disciplinary concentration. Subject to course offerings list each academic year, completion of disciplinary concentration will be formally noted on student's official transcript.

  • Humanities 
  • Political Science
  • Quantitative Social Science  
  • Sociology 
  • Social Scientific History 


G. MGCS with Academic Research CONCENTRATION (2 years)

1st year 2nd year 
Core Courses (9 credits);


Academic Writing (0-3 credits);


Elective Courses (12-15 credits);

One Methodology course, either in Humanities or Social Science (3 credits);

Two Research Project courses – MGCS 6980 & MGCS 6982 (6 credits each);

One Independent Study – MGCS 6200 (3 credits)

Total: 24 credits Additional 18 credits

Program Duration

Mode of Study Program Duration Required study load per semester
Full-time   1 Year at least 9 credits  (3 courses)
Part-time  2 Years 8 credits at maximum
MGCS with Academic Research Track 2 Years at least 9 credits  (3 courses)

Academic Advising

Upon entering the program, the student’s progress will be monitored by the Taught Postgraduate Programs Office of the School of Humanities and Social Science.